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October, 2021

ASAP Publication

Congratulations to Eva and colleagues on their new publication in Sex Roles

Burrows, D., Pietri E. S., Johnson, I.R., Ashburn-Nardo, L (in press). Promoting Inclusive Environments: In-group Organizational Endorsement as a Tool to Increase Feelings of Identity-Safety among Black Women. Sex Roles.

September, 2021

Congrats on recent conference presentation acceptances! Make sure to check out these talks and posters at SPSP!

Aikawa, S., Wout, D., Milless, K.L. (2022, February). We Can Say It, But Can You?: If and When Biracials Can Use the “N-Word”. Poster accepted to be presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention.

Derricks, V., Pietri, E.S., Dinh, T., & Johnson, I.R. (2022, February). Understanding Black Americans’ Identity-Safety Responses to Organizational Solidarity Statements. In C. Yantis & D. Green (Co-Chairs), Cueing Identity-Safety for People of Color in Diverse Contexts. Talk to be presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, CA. 

Mosier, A. E., Pietri, E. S., & Johnson, I. R. (2022, February). The roles of context and identity-based adversity in promoting identity-safety among Black women in STEM. In C. Yantis & D. Green (Co-Chairs), Cueing Identity-Safety for People of Color in Diverse Contexts. Symposium to be presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, CA.


SIOP Anti-Racism Grant

Congrats on to Eva and colleagues, including grant PI Dr. Veronica Derricks, on receiving a SIOP Antiracism Grant!

SIOP Anti-Racism Grant

SIOP Anti-Racism Grant. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. “Reevaluating the target: Developing messaging strategies to improve the targeted recruitment of Black Americans in organizations.” (PI: Veronica Derricks, Co-PI: India R. Johnson, Leslie Ashburn-Nardo Evava S. Pietri; Amount: $6,750) 2021-2-22.

July, 2021

JESP Publication

Congratulations to Eva and colleagues on their new publication in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Johnson, I. R., Pietri, E. S., Buck, D. M., & Daas, R. (2021). What's in a pronoun: Exploring gender pronouns as an organizational identity-safety cue among sexual and gender minorities. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 97.

April, 2021

ASAP Publication

Congratulations to Amanda and Eva on their publication in Analyses of Social Issues and Public PolicyAmanda is now officially a published author! Read the preprint here.

Mosier, A. E., & Pietri, E. S. (2021). The link between stereotypical leader traits and perceived electability: Do Black women politicians face double jeopardy? Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. 

April, 2021

ASAP Publication

Congratulations to Amanda and Eva on their publication in Analyses of Social Issues and Public PolicyAmanda is now officially a published author! Read the preprint here.

Mosier, A. E., & Pietri, E. S. (2021). The link between stereotypical leader traits and perceived electability: Do Black women politicians face double jeopardy? Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. 

February, 2021

PIBBS Publication

Congratulations to Eva and her collaborators on a new publication in Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences!

Moss-Racusin, C. A., Pietri, E. S., van der Toorn, J., & Ashburn-Nardo, L. (2021). Boosting the sustainable representation of women in STEM with evidence-based policy initiatives. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

February, 2021

Congrats on recent conference presentation acceptances! Make sure to check out these talks and posters at SPSP, SIOP, and MPA!

Society for Personality and Social Psychology​

Mosier, A. E., Pietri, E. S., & Johnson, I. R. (2021, February). The roles of descriptive and substantive representation in promoting identity-safety for Black women in politics. Data blitz presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Gender Preconference.
You can watch Amanda's talk here!

Mosier, A. E., & Pietri, E. S. (2021, February). "People aren't ready for a woman president!": Pluralistic ignorance decreased intentions to vote for women in the 2020 Democratic primaries. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Virtual Conference.

Pietri, E.S. & Johnson, I. R. (2021, February). Who acts as an ally for Black female students? Talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Virtual Conference.
Pietri, E.S., Panel Member (2021, February). Leveraging Social Psychology to Increase Diversity, Representation and Inclusion in Academia. The Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Virtual Conference.

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Mosier, A. E., & Pietri, E. S. (2020, April). Shared fate: White women can signal identity safety for Black women in male-dominated STEM fields. Talk to be presented at the virtual annual conference of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Midwestern Psychological Association

Muller, L., Pietri, E.S., & Abdul Karim, M.F. (2021, April). Exploring organizational identity-safety cues for lesbian and gay employees. Paper talk to be given at the 93rd annual conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.​

November, 2020

GPIR Publication

A huge congratulations to Eva and her collaborator India Johnson on a new publication in Group Processes and Intergroup Relations!


Johnson, I. R., & Pietri, E. S. (in press). An ally you say?: Endorsing White women as allies to encourage perceptions of allyship and organizational identity-safety among Black women. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.

October, 2020

PWQ Publication

Congratulations to Eva and collaborators, including lab alums Montana Drawbaugh and Victoria Colvin, on a new publication in Psychology of Women Quarterly! Way to go!


Pietri, E. S., Drawbaugh, M. L., Johnson, I. R., & Colvin, V. E. (in press). Maybe he is relatable too: Encouraging women to identify with male scientists by highlighting bias against fathers. Psychology of Women Quarterly

September, 2020

NSF Grant

Congratulations to Eva and India on receiving a grant from the National Science Foundation to explore who encourages belonging for Black women in STEM!


National Science Foundation. “Exploring the unique effects of shared past adversity for enhancing social connection and identity-safety in STEM.” (PI: Evava S. Pietri, Co-PI: India R. Johnson; Amount: $150,938) 2020 - 2021. 

July, 2020

Clara Mayo Grant Award

Congratulations to Amanda, who was awarded a Clara Mayo grant from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues! Way to go!


Her project is entitled, "But how “electable” is she? How pluralistic ignorance impacts voting decisions for women candidates in high-stakes political elections."

April, 2020

Sex Roles Publication

A huge congratulations to Eva and her research team, including lab alum Charles Chu, on a new publication in Sex Roles!

Pietri, E. S., Johnson, I. J., Majid, S., & Chu, C. (in press). Seeing what's possible: Videos are more effective than written portrayals for enhancing the relatability of scientists and promoting Black female U.S. students' interest in STEM. Sex Roles.

February, 2020

SPSSI Acceptances

Congratulations to our lab members who were accepted to present at this summer's SPSSI conference in Denver!

Mosier, A. E., & Pietri, E. S. (2020, June). Educating about political gender bias increases identification with female politicians. Talk to be presented at the annual conference of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Denver, CO.


Pietri, E.S. & Stockdale, M. (2020, June). A multi-component intervention to enhance awareness of bias and self-efficacy​. Talk to be presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Denver, CO.


Schneider, J., Abdul Karim, M.F., Williams, J. R. (2020, June). You threatened my manhood: Reactions to feedback from female supervisors. Poster to be presented at the 2020 meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Denver, CO.


Wolfred, B., Schneider, J., Lewis, A. N., Williams, J. R. (2020, June). Race and feedback: Seeking across racial lines. Poster to be presented at the 2020 meeting of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Denver, CO.

January, 2020

MPA Acceptances

A huge congrats to our lab members representing at MPA 2020!

Abdul Karim, M. F. & Ashburn-Nardo, L., (April 2020). African Americans’ Negative Reactions toward Ingroup Résumé Whiteners. Oral presentation will be presented at the 92nd annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.


Echols, A., Armstrong A., Shr, K., & Pietri, E. S. (April, 2020). Encouraging women to identify a successful male computer science student as a role model by highlighting similar past adversity. Data Blitz Talk to be presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association's Conference, Chicago, IL


McMurray, K. A., Hall, D. Y., Abdul Karim, M. F., & Ashburn-Nardo, L. (2020, April). Are there racial disparities in perceived quality of scientific research? Poster to be presented at the 92nd annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.


Muller, L., Pietri, E. S., & Abdul Karim, M. F. (2020, April). Exploring organizational identity-safety cues for lesbian and gay employees. Paper talk to be given at the 92nd annual conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

December, 2019

SPSP Pre-conference and SIOP Acceptances

Congrats to Eva, Faz, and Amanda for representing our lab at SIOP and the SPSP gender pre-conference!​

Abdul Karim, M. F., & Pietri, E. (2020, February). Heterosexual men’s reluctance to endorse LGBT-supportive policies: The role of perceived threat and negative attitudes toward LGBT. Poster to be presented at the Gender pre-conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Mosier, A. E. (2020, April). Women-exclusive professional development programs cause inadvertent backlash. Poster to be presented at the 35th annual conference of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX.

September, 2019

SPSP Acceptances

Congratulations to all of our lab members who had presentations accepted at SPSP 2020! New Orleans, here we come!

Abdul Karim, M. F. & Ashburn-Nardo, L., (February 2020). African Americans’ Negative Reactions toward In-group Résumé Whiteners. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference. New Orleans, LA.


Beecham, J.G., Pietri, E. S., Johnson, I. R., & Ashburn-Nardo, L. (2020, February). Can biracial women act as effective role models for Black women in STEM? Talk to be presented at Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Cundiff, J. L., & Mosier, A. E. (2020, February). Unintended costs of women-exclusive opportunity-enhancement programs. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.​


Johnson, I. R. & Pietri, E. S. (February 2020). Will the real ally please stand up: Promoting perceptions of allyship among Black and White women in STEM environments. Talk to be given at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA.


Lewis, A. N, Trujillo, L., & Pietri, E. (February 2019). Intersectional Allies: Exploring Whether Non-White Women Act as Allies and Promote Belonging for Black Women. Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA.

September, 2019

JSI Publication

Congratulations to our RA, Keshia, on the publication of her honors thesis in the Journal of Social Issues with Eva, Leslie, and their collaborator Katie Wang! Way to go!

Wang, K., Walker, K., Pietri, E., & Ashburn-Nardo, L. (in press). Consequences of confronting patronizing help for people with disabilities: Do target gender and disability type matter? Journal of Social Issues.

June, 2019

JESP Publication

Congratulations to Eva, Montana, Arielle, and India on a new paper at Journal of Experimental Social Psychology!

Pietri, E. S., Drawbaugh, M. L., Lewis, A. N., & Johnson, I. R., (in press). Who encourages Latina women to feel a sense of identity-safety in STEM? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

University of Colorado Boulder

Department of Psychology of Psychology and Neuroscience

© 2017
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