Meet the Principal investigator

Dr. Evava (Eva) Pietri
Dr. Eva Pietri is the PI of the PSIA lab and an Associate Professor at Colorado University Boulder. Before arriving at CU, Dr. Pietri was an Assistant Professor at IUPUI for 6 years. She received her Ph.D. in Psychology from the Ohio State University. After receiving her PhD., Dr. Pietri completed a postdoctoral position at Yale University, during which she worked in the Psychology department and in the Center for Scientific Teaching.
Fun facts:
Dr. Pietri is half White and half Puerto Rican, which has in part motivated her research on the importance of role models with intersectional identities.
Growing up in NYC, Dr. Pietri's mother was an artist and her father, was a poet and part of Nuyorican Poetry movement. Although she did not pursue a career in the arts, her upbringing has fueled her interest in using art and media as diversity interventions.
Finally, Dr. Pietri is a big (and only sometimes obnoxious) Ohio State football fan.
Meet the Grad Students

Sheba Aiwaka
Ph.D. Student
(Primary Student)
Sheba is currently working on her Ph.D. in Social Psychology at the University of Colorado Boulder under the guidance of Dr. Eva Pietri. She previously obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University at Albany, SUNY, and a Master’s degree from New York University under the mentorship of Dr. Daryl Wout. Her research interests primarily focus on prejudice, stigmatization, intersectionality, and intergroup relations, especially in the Black community. Broadly, her research examines how having multiple identities can influence a person’s sense of self and the perception of others. More specifically, she is interested in how both race and gender together (not separately) impacts the experiences of discrimination and inequality for people with multiple stigmatized identities (such as WOC), as well as the factors that push and pull multiracial/multicultural people in and out of group membership.

Nadia Floyd
Ph.D. Student
(Primary Student)
Nadia Floyd is currently working on her Ph.D. in Social Psychology at the University of Colorado, Boulder under the advisement of Dr. Eva Pietri. Nadia is broadly interested in STEM, higher academia and workplace diversity, specifically, what cues facilitate historically excluded individuals' sense of belonging, and interest in pursuing a scientific career. She is also interested in how physical features (skin tone, hairstyle) and behaviors (i.e., dialectical performance) influence women of color's perceptions of identity safety. Nadia is excited to investigate these topics under Dr. Eva's guidance.

Jasmine Beecham
Candidacy Student
(Primary Student)
Jasmine is currently working on her Ph.D. in Applied Social and Organizational Psychology at IUPUI. She completed her Master's thesis with Dr. Eva Pietri exploring illegal interview questions and applicant reactions based on the illegal content of the questions, specifically examining gender differences in reactions based on the stereotype threat model. She successfully completed her candidacy proposal under Dr. Pietri's guidance and is currently working on the paper, investigating how dress codes and norms lead to discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities, as well as women. Additionally, she is working on a paper with Dr. Pietri on the effectiveness of mixed race role models for Black women in STEM. Her general research interests include diversity and bias in selection and she has enjoyed exploring these ideas under Dr. Pietri's guidance.

Amanda Mosier
Thesis Student and Graduate Research Assistant
(Graduate Student Collaborate)
Amanda is a third-year student in the Applied Social and Organizational Psychology PhD program at IUPUI. Her interest in workplace gender issues was inspired by her time in undergrad, which she completed at an all-women's college. She also has a master's in IO psychology from Missouri S&T where she completed a thesis on the effects of witnessing benevolent sexism on women's cognitive performance. Her research interests revolve broadly around diversity in political representation, and she has current projects investigating the impact of candidate race and gender on perceptions of electability and voter behavior. Her primary mentor is Dr. Leslie Ashburn. She has and is currently working on a number of projects with Dr. Pietri revolving around topics of intersectionality in STEM and politics.
Meet the Research Assistants
Sydney Stringer
Andrew Meyer
Nya Simmons
Julia Bickford
Meet the Lab alumni
Graduate Students
Devin Jewell (Primary student)
Devin earned her Masters of Science in Industrial-Organizationsl Psychology at IUPUI. She worked on her thesis with Dr. Pietri looking at the impact of personal video testimonies as recruiting tools for women in STEM fields. Her broad research interests include diversity in the corporate environment, gender bias, and judgments/perceptions of feminism.
Fun Fact: In her free time, Devin likes to read past and present Supreme Court decisions and enjoys listening to true crime podcasts.
Arielle Lewis (Secondary student)
Arielle completed her Master's degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology IUPUI. She completed her Master's thesis with Dr. Leslie Ashburn-Nardo regarding recruitment strategies and diversity. She also worked with Dr. Eva Pietri on projects regarding Latina identity. Arielle and Dr. Pietri worked on a project examining how intersectional identities and a common minority status influence the ability for others to perform as a role models for Black women and Latinas. Arielle's general research interests include organizational impression management, intergroup relations in the workplace, and the influence of non-prototypicality on workplace outcomes.
Leidy Trujillo (Secondary student)
Leidy earned her Masters degree in Industrial-Organizational Psycholgoy at IUPUI. She did her undergrad at Florida State University, where she majored in Psychology and minored in Biological Sciences. She completed her Master's thesis with Dr. Leslie Ashburn-Nardo, looking at denial of Afro-Latinos due to violations of prototypicality. Her research interests broadly include diversity, workplace discrimination, and prejudice confrontation. During her free time, she enjoys cooking, movies, video games, and trying something new every week. Fun fact about Leidy is that she actually speaks three languages: Spanish, English, and Italian.
Virginia Rhodes (Primary student)
Virginia earned her Master's of Science degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at IUPUI. She completed her Master's thesis project with Dr. Pietri on allyship and increasing belonging and trust for Black women in STEM-related fields. Additionally, she worked with Dr. Pietri examining the relationship between undergraduate women's attention and stigma consciousness. She also worked as a Research Assistant at the STEM Education Innovation & Research Institute, which partnered with Dr. Pietri and Dr. Ashburn-Nardo on a project investigating the relationship between empowerment and peer leaders in STEM classrooms. Her general research interests include STEM, diversity, and allyship.
Dominique Burrows (Secondary student)
Dominique earned her Master's of Science degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at IUPUI. She completed her Master's thesis project with Dr. Leslie Ashburn-Nardo. Additionally, she worked with Dr. Pietri exploring ally endorsement for black students and differences between narrative and expert videos in their influence on gender bias information-seeking. Her general research interests include national origin bias, discrimination against immigrants in the workplace, and discrimination and incivility in the tourism industry between native and expat workers.
Montana Drawbaugh (Primary student)
Montana earned her Master's of Science degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at IUPUI. She completed her Master's thesis project with Dr. Jane Williams on IPT and performance appraisal effectiveness. She was a graduate RA and lab manager for both Dr. Pietri and Dr. Ashburn-Nardo and has collaborated with both of them on a project examining the mental imagery, perceptions, and promotability of voluntarily childfree women. Additionally, she has worked on projects with Dr. Pietri that investigated how to get women to identify with male role models in STEM, examining who are effective role models for Latina women, and the relationship between undergraduate womens' attention and stigma consciousness. Montana's general research interests include performance management, workplace stereotypes and intergroup relations, and recruiting diverse groups into STEM.
Chelsey Skipton (Secondary student)
Chelsey obtained on her Master's of Science degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology at IUPUI. She completed her Master's thesis project with Dr. Dennis Devine. Additionally, she worked with Dr. Pietri looking at the benefits of video over written media as diversity interventions in STEM. Her general research interests include selection and teams.
Ezgi Ozgumus (Primary student)
Ezgi is a former graduate student of IUPUI and completed her Master's of Science degree in Industrial/Organizational psychology. She completed her master's thesis project with Dr. Pietri, and was actively involved with various research projects in the lab. Ezgi is generally interested in developing interventions to reduce gender bias in STEM and techniques to teach women about gender bias in a non-threatening manner. She is now a Ph.D. student at the London School of Business.
Charles Chu (Secondary Student)
Charles obtained his Master's of Science degree in Industrial/Organizational psychology at IUPUI. He completed his master's thesis project with Dr. Leslie Ashburn-Nardo. Charles worked on a project with Dr. Pietri exploring the benefits of visual over written media as a diversity intervention. He is now a doctoral student at Stanford, studying Organizational Behavior.
Katherine Shr
Marlen Huesca
Keshia Walker
Natalie Heidenreich
Keshia completed a senior thesis project with Dr. Pietri.
Sadrisha Pandit
Payton West
Ethan Mardanus-Budiono
UnderGraduate Students
Demi Zoeller
Demi completed a senior thesis project with Dr. Pietri.